Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy is a magical and sacred time. The Miracle of Creation is taking place directly in the mother’s body; and with this everything is changing. The body is physically undergoing major shifts and changes to accommodate this growing being. Blood volume increases. Hormones change – and new ones appear.  A new organ even grows within the body (the placenta)!  It is a time to connect with the inner journey that is unfolding. Becoming a mother is an extremely profound and transformative time – one that continues for the rest of her life!

Pregnancy can cause physical discomforts from muscles to joints due to the added weight and structural changes.  It can also create various emotional roller coasters. Massage is a great tool to help support the physical and emotional realms of the journey. 

I use a blend of modalities and techniques developed especially for the expectant mother.  I provide a full session of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage (the benefits of this modality for pregnancy can be found in the tabbed section for MAM).  Or for longer sessions, I combine Maya Abdominal Massage with Deep Tissue, and Therapeutic Swedish Massage to create a fluid and nourishing treatment.  All sessions are tailored for each expectant mother’s requests.